The exceptional voice of the Pakistani Faiz Ali Faiz and his particularly rich timbre recall his illustrious predecessor Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, who made qawwali known to the whole world.
Coming from a family where seven generations of Qawwals have succeeded each other, Faiz Ali Faiz shows himself to be precocious and began his professional career at sixteen. Although originally from Lahore, he practices the doaba style of eastern Pakistan and boasts influences from Shams-chaurasi, the famous Khyal singing school. He also learned classical music from Ustad Ghulam Shabir Khan and Ustad Jafat Khan.
Open to collaborations with artists from other horizons, he joins forces with the brilliant guitarist Chicuelo in the framework of the "Qawwali-Flamenco" project to remind us that flamenco has its roots in the Indo-Pakistani regions. With "Qawwali Gospel", it is a dialogue between vocal and liturgical practices from India and North America, Faiz Ali Faiz responding to Craig Adams and the choir "Voices of Orleans".
"Jaadu" is a project with the oudist Titi Robin: the two artists take us to the heart of a new region, Andalusian, eastern, dotted with arabesques.
Booking Portugal : Ao Sul do Mundo - Felicia Silva - felicia@aosuldomundo.pt
Some places from previous tours:
Festival of the Imagination (Paris)
Festival of Saint-Denis (Saint-Denis)
Paris Quartier D'Eté Festival (Paris)
The Suds (Arles)
Lille Opera (Lille)
Pleyel Room (Paris)
Les Escales (Saint-Nazaire)
Barbican Center (London - UK)
Falun Folk Festival (Falun - Sweden)
Altstadtherbst Festival (Düsseldorf - Germany)
Festival of Flanders (Ghent and Brussels - Belgium)
Greek Festival (Barcelona - Spain)
Forum 2004 (Barcelona - Spain)
Oslo World Music Festival (Oslo - Norway)
Womad (Wiltshire, England)
Ethno Port Poznan Festival (Poznan - Poland)
Festival of sacred music of Fez (Fez - Morocco)
Mawazine Festival (Rabat - Morocco)
Festival of La Medina (Tunis - Tunisia)
Ulsan World Music Festival (Ulsan - South Korea)
Sufi Konya Festival (Konya - Turkey)
Womad (Adelaide - Australia)
The Esplanade (Singapore - Singapore)