After "La Casa de la Trova", Emmanuelle Honorin and Cyrius find the paths of Cuban countryside through the “Repentistas”, a group of word keepers and cowboys, poets, often farmers, direct heirs of Hispanic jugglers who had spread in Latin America. Originally from impressions and journeys’ transcriptions, their music is a homage to the countryside world. It’s a live way to remember that it is thanks to an exceptionally high level of popular culture and absence of illiteracy, even in the remotest back lands, that this country has managed to preserve this unique art-form blending language, poetry and celebration.
Whether referred to as tonada (melody) or controversia (verbal joust), these improvisations, which always ornament a precise metrical framework, have given one of the richest playful, festive, quasi-spiritual expressions of the whole genre in Cuba.
Their musical work forges an unseen journey throughout the art of the verb history: there are, not only the local stars called poetas ou repentistas, but also the rural guajira singers, the instruments accompanying them zapateo, and the rural ensembles of the middle island the Parrandas. Between music and agriculture, meat and poetry!
With :
Barbaro Garcia, Jorge Sosa / Fabian Delgado / La Parranda De Sancti Spiritu / La Parranda De Trinidad Luis Martins / Luis Martins, Raul Herrera Perez / Raul Herrera Perez / Roldan Quintero, Osdany Figueredo Torres / Trio Lamas De Sancti Spiritu
Collection VOX POPULI
CD - AC 110 - 2005
Harmonia Mundi