Inspired by an imaginary road "from Kabul to Bamako" of which neither the history books nor the collections of stories have kept any trace, but which symbolizes a community of destinies marked by exile, have gathered, under the leadership of Saïd Assadi, singers and musicians who have known exile: the Malian singer Mamani Keita, the Iranian singer and violinist Aïda Nosrat, the singer and saz player, of Kurdish origin , Ruşan Filiztek, the singer and Afghan tabla player Siar Hashimi and the French musicians of the group Arat Kilo: Fabien Girard (electric guitar), Michaël Havard (saxophones), Aristide Goncalves (keyboard, trumpet), Gérald Bonnegrace (percussions), Samuel Hirsch (electric bass) and Florent Berteau (drums).
Their transcultural creation is conceived as a cultural and musical dialogue between their different aesthetics, SOWAL meaning "question" in Persian, one of the languages spoken in Afghanistan and DIABI "answer" in Bambara, one of the languages spoken in Mali.