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Arat Kilo w/ Mamani Keita & Mike Ladd

Pierrick Guidou
France / Mali / United States

Ethiojazz meet Hip-Hop meet Mali

When Paris become the meeting point of creation for six French musicians with a solar passion for Ethiojazz, an african diva and the most infectious american slammer, you might be hearing some unexpected visions … some "Visons of Selam " , the title of their last album, 100 % organically made in the heart of the world, in Paris, between Mali, Ethiopia, Boston and a universal galaxy of groovy sounds. "Visions of Selam" is thus a pact, a unifying gesture: holding hands over the oceans separating the continents, palms open to offer and receive, the artists crafted this music keeping in mind the Australopithecus fossil discovered in 2000 in Afar which was, quite aptly, named Selam. They pondered what this individual born 3 million years ago would think if he was to discover today's world. A heady perspective naturally, but which could also be happy provided the guide was music, that of Ethiopia, Africa, the world. That of Arat Kilo, Mamani Keita and Mike Ladd.

The band has toured and has been broadcasted Internationally since their debut Album (featured on Gilles Peterson's Worldwide, Laurent Garnier's It Is What It is, Financial Times, Guardian, Daily Telegraph...) and has played/recorded with musician like Mulatu Astatke, Rokia Traore, or Socalled...

Arat Kilo's next album is currently in the making !

International Awards : 5 Month in Transglobal Music Charts, #4 World Music Charts Europe, Germany: preis der deutschen schallplattenkritik

"They are good players who mix funky guitar with bass, drums and horns – brass was often a crucial ingredient in the Addis sound – and they have mastered the distinctive, at times Arabic-sounding Ethiopian style." 3* Guardian 

"Their Ethiopiques Ventroiloquism is pretty much fautless, especially when they are joined by Mulatu Astatke himself" 4* Financial Times

"these french musician take a laid-back direction with hip-hop touches, deftly recreating the smokey textures of the classic Addis Ababa sound" 3* Daily Telegraph

Distribution :

Mamani Keita : vocals
Mike Ladd : vocals

Michael Havard  : saxophones, flutes
Fabien Girard : guitar
Samuel Hirsch : bass
Gérald Bonnegrace : percussions
Aristide Gonçalves : trumpet, keyboard
Florent Berteau : drums

Contact booking :

Guillaume Roche

+33 (0)1 47 53 68 68 / +33 (0)6 62 83 67 22 

Booking Spain : Accord Music Agency - Omar Suller -

Booking Portugal : Ao Sul do Mundo - Felicia Silva -

Booking Germany : Patchanka booking - Pink -

Booking US/Canada : Alia Prod - Alison Loerke -

Co-producer : Paul B, Scène de Musiques Actuelles de Massy.

With the support of SACEM, ADAMI, FCM, CNV, SPEDIDAM


In the press
  • Télérama FFFF

    "...un éthio-tonic astucieusement mixé et servi bien frappé, dont les intonations urbaines et festives résonnent d’Addis à Boston."

    Télérama FFFF Chronique Papier
  • SOULBAG ****

    "Leader incontesté de la scène éthiojazz en France, adoubé par le maître Mulatu Astatke en personne, Arat Kilo continue à tracer sa route avec ce nouvel album. Rythmiques hypnotiques, cuivres enflammés et mélodies irrésistibles, le groupe reste fidèle à l'esprit de la musique venue d'Addis Abeba, mais y apporte des piments variés, grâce à des invités comme la chanteuse malienne Mamani Keita et les rappeurs Mike Ladd et Rocé, qui permettent de contourner l'écueil de la reconstitution muséale."

    SOULBAG **** Chronique Papier
  • 4* Financial Times

    "Their Ethiopiques Ventroiloquism is pretty much fautless, especially when they are joined by Mulatu Astatke himself"

    Financial Times 4* A Night in Abyssinia
  • Le Monde - Chronique Papier

    « ... Arat Kilo forme un des tissages transculturels les plus ­excitants du moment.. »

    Le Monde
Next dates
  • 01 apr.
    20h00 Salle Jacques Brel - Pantin (FR)
  • 11 apr.
    20h00 Salle Nougaro - Toulouse (FR)
  • 23 may.
    20h00 Espace Culturel 1789 - Saint-Ouen (FR)
  • 28 jun.
    20h30 Django Reinhardt Festival - Fontainebleau (FR)
  • 26 jul.
    0h00 Festival Chausse Tes Tongs - Trévou-Tréguignec (FR)
Me tenir au courant des prochaines dates de concert